Workshop: Innovation and cultural integration in plan making
3.45pm | Thursday 19 September
Ashleigh holds a Bachelor of Resource & Environmental Planning (Hons) from Massey University. She began her career in 2014 working at Horizons Regional Council as a transport planner. In 2019, she returned to her home town of New Plymouth to work in the district plan policy team at New Plymouth District Council. As New Plymouth District Council’s e-planner, Ashleigh has been responsible for releasing various iterations of the Proposed District Plan on their ePlan platform as it moves through the plan making process. Working with New Plymouth District Council’s software partner, Isovist, Ashleigh has assisted in releasing the first ePlan in the country to be aligned with the National Planning Standards in 2019, and later releasing Decisions and Appeals versions of the ePlan in 2023. As the “e-planner” specialisation becomes more common across councils, Ashleigh shares her experiences in navigating the traditional plan making process with new and evolving technology.